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VoiceWarrior Full Crack [pack]


Updated: Mar 13, 2020

About This Software Take command of your game using your voice to execute complex or repetitive actions. VoiceWarrior lets you build simple or complex macros that will execute at the sound of your voice. Don't worry about remembering whether your fire spell is assigned to Ctrl-F3 or Ctrl-Alt-F3. Just say "Cast Fire" - or better yet, say "I summon the flame of Anor!"ModesCommand Prefix: Similar in function to "OK Google" or "Hey Siri", you can customize VoiceWarrior to listen for a key word or phrase before any command. Good examples might be "VoiceWarrior" (the default), "Computer", "Command", "Sally", "Bob", "Okay then", "Execute"... So "Execute Quick Escape" would run your quick escape macro.Always On: In the heat of battle, keywords can get annoyingly repetitive. If you go full tilt voice control, you aren't going to want to beg "Sally" or "Bob" to do your bidding ten times a miniute. "Always On" is the way to go if you intend to rain down verbal supremacy on your foes.Push to Talk: If you also use a chat program that supports push to talk, you can keep your complaining and your commands on seperate channels by using a different Push to Talk key for each purpose.FeaturesText to speech feedback: You say "Prepare for battle", all of your party buff spells are cast, and then you hear "Your companions seems stronger now."Custom music playback: As soons as you hear "Your companions seem stronger now", your music changes to your chosen battle anthem. We are partial to Pantera's Vulger Display of Power albulm.Custom Sound Effects: You say "Fire Phasers", and you hear a clip of Scotty saying "Aye Captain". Or maybe you say "Teleport Home" and you hear dorothy say "There's no place like home". Your imagination is the only limit here. The internet has every sound clip you can imagine.Tags: Tag your commands with mutiple categories. For example, put your "Fireball" command in the Battle, Offense, and Spells categories.Command Management: Enable or disable single commands or entire cagegories from a macro. For example you can have one set of commands for Battle, another for exploring, and yet another for PVP. "Cast Buffs" might mean something different in each scenario. You could also setup a category for your game's menu system, and activate it using a command that disables all other command categories.Sub Commands: No need to define macros over and over again to include the same functions in another macro. Have your "Fire Everything" command call "Fire Phasers", "Fire Photo Torpedos", and "Reinforce Forward Shields".System Profile: You can configure a system profile of commands that are always loaded in addition to the current loaded profile.Named Profiles: Using the system profile, you can setup profile load commands to open specific profiles. "Voicewarrior load profile for VR", "VoiceWarrior load profile for Minecraft"Virtual Reality: While there is nothing specifically VR about VoiceWarrior from a technical perspective, headsets with microphones go with VR like peanut butter goes with jelly. One thing that seems to be more difficult than it should is moving from the Oculus Store to Steam (where all your paid apps are, right?). So then, you can see how it would be great if you could have VoiceWarrior launch Steam in VR Mode. Just sayin'... 7aa9394dea Title: VoiceWarriorGenre: UtilitiesDeveloper:DevPossiblePublisher:DevPossibleRelease Date: 20 Nov, 2017 VoiceWarrior Full Crack [pack] I have to recommend this. I can use it to open programs and auto login. I use it in winamp to change visualizations. Its so cool to be playing guitar and scream SOLO and a wild visualization pop up.Other cool uses:cntrl + z undoalt+f4 quitcntrl +s saveand so on its the most accurate voice recognition I've used.. This thing is great! i use it for MMO games when i just need extra buttons that i do not have.. I have used this for a while now and really impressed how good this little app is! It recognize voice properly even my spelling is not so good. I use this app with games and regular using in windows. It makes daily use much easier when you can just say e.g. "open facebook" and it opens it automatically, or in game you just say "nightvision" and boom you have nightvision... There is so much possibilities with this app! Thanks for the developing this!. I absolutely love this software! I know its a little early to say anything about it. I just got it about an hour ago. Im already in love, im using it as a way to control my pc with my voice. It is amazing, you can set certain mp3 files to play when you say something, which is really cool. Its very customizable, my only problem with it, is that it cant be opened without steam running. Which is fine, but can be annoying.. It's awesome to yell stuff and it does stuff for you, like open browser and stuff. This piece of software works like a charm, although there are some small bugs. The recognition is much better than VoiceBot imo! Had some trouble at setting it up at first, but once that was done, I immediately started making several presets for a few games I had in mind. I also started making triggers for computer usage, such as listening to my voice, saying what's up, and just giving natural answers when I say thank you to the bot. It's all configurable! I would love to see where this project is going, and I'm happy to be aboard!. I thought this would be a neat idea for controlling pubg and other games. I gave it a solid 5 hours in gameplay. It does as it promises. However, its not 100% even with "microsoft voice training." I had pretty much everything in control with my voice. Most of the time I had to issue commands more than once till the software picked up what I was telling it to do. I found having MAP as a command in the software, with pubg, the map would flash every other time I issued a command. ie. Issuing reload, or weapon 1, the map would quickly flash before the command was initiated. Removing the command entirely in pubg fixed this. Small bugs like this were found with this specific game, I didnt try it with other games. Although it would seem useful in rts games as well, I didnt bother to try as you would have to make profiles for every game, and load them in. Constantly trying which voice commands work better. I found rather than having 1 sylable letters as a command, the program was more effective with actual words. ie. reloading a weapon as reload would work better than saying "r" or "4" in most cases. I sent a couple bug reports through its automated report system everytime the program crashed, usually it only crashed while I was making commands for it. While I used it in gameplay, it was never a problem. Getting used to the layout and making commands was never an issue, its super easy, the self help guide is straight forward. I cannot recommend this program at the moment cause of the small issues I had with the game I wanted to use it with. (PUBG) I'm sure its very useful for other players in other games. Perfect if you are dealing with injuries, which prevent you from taking full control of your game. It takes time to set up and time to perfect each command. If there was a way to record each of your commands, and the program issued those in game. It might be more effective. However it is based on windows voice system, so you basically have to issue commands with clear, and concise words, doing the windows voice recognition test helped a little, but it still had problems triggering those commands each time I selected one.


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