About This Game Forged from an ancient tale of Celtic mythology. An action-adventure set in a future Ireland devastated by technomagical war and economic collapse, humanity clings on by using the remnants of technology that survive. When their ancient spring of life begins to fail, an unwanted orphan child must leave the safety of his villages' mountaintop refuge. With only an ancient sword and a mysterious metal glove, he ventures into lands unexplored and twisted by strange ancient powers.FeaturesCeltic-punk – a fusion of Celtic and steampunk aestheticsA rich and intriguing world, brought to life by beautiful hand-drawn sketches, lovingly painted and animated in high resolutionA lush world populated with strange creatures and vicious enemies, born in the cauldron of warFast-paced combat and epic boss encountersCombat Arena with unlockable arenas and high scoresCritically acclaimed original soundtrack – Music from Irelands premier independent electronic artistsPlay in Irish – a full Irish translation of the game. 6d5b4406ea Title: Ku: Shroud of the MorriganGenre: Action, Adventure, IndieDeveloper:bitSmith GamesPublisher:bitSmith GamesRelease Date: 17 Mar, 2014 Ku: Shroud Of The Morrigan Download For Pc [portable Edition] ku shroud of the morrigan apk. ku shroud of the morrigan apk. ku shroud of the morrigan. ku shroud of the morrigan I made a video review to show off some of the features and gameplay of this game!http://youtu.be/Er9L_nWzOqcI hope you enjoy!Martyr. Overall an intriguing art style and story concept, but game play mechanics are dated and clunky.. Before you read the review be warned that I will be grading this on an "Indie curve" meaning less than 5 developersSound 5/10The sound is position based and is confusing as to the point of origin of the sound most of the time, not to mention the sounds are comparitive to sound samples from a bad EDM song.Battle system 6/10Lacks any real depth, and most of the battle system is learning how to bug the enemies out so they can't hit you. Also your primary "slash" attack has the awesome ability to get you stuck in walls and in other places you don't belong and can't escape.Bosses 2/10The bosses of this game are all incredibly easy and short lived, and feel like normal enemies, except the final boss which felt more like the first real boss in the game, but still exceptionally easy. One of my major complaints is you don't heal your health after a boss though.Artwork 9/10The art is gorgeous and was my primary attraction to the game, however it is hindered by bad coding to fit different screen resolutions and can look a little distorted depending on the resolution you are playing in, which disappointed me greatly.Storyline 2/10I started out with a great concept of what needed to be done and I talked to the whole village. I was continually disappointed by how everyone didn't react to any changes in the plot at the start, or the fact you had a sword. Then after you left the village none of it really related to the rest of the game and soon as you finish the "prologue" there wasn't really much of anything to the story besides run through a bunch of areas as fast as you can, and if you want, kill some enemies. Sure people would talk, but it didn't really mean much of anything, and made no real sense when you string all the sequences together. This is disappointing for an indie action adventure game as one of the easier tasks is to write dialogue that makes the story actually mean something and connect the pieces.Bugs squashed 3/10*contains spoilers*One of the major things I have always looked for, be it a flash game, or a normal game, is both major and minor bugs that inhibit the game, as well as exploits, crashes, etc. Well your main slash ability can put you in an area you can't move, enemies can sometimes still hit you even if you dodge roll away, double dialogues to someone that you're only supposed to talk to once, at the start of the game if you leave the sword training area you have to go through the whole screen's process again including all the training to get through the gate. In the final boss the "laser fields" are sometimes passable and sometimes not, and sometimes enemies get stuck on them making your slash the only way to get to them, leaving no way back if you don't leave an enemy around to slash to. Also at one point after exiting and reentering the game to get around this I had no HUD and couldn't see my health, which was great after the boss when I died first hit to one of the small mobs. Also as another note, in my display resolution (1366x768) I couldn't see discriptions for the hover overs in the escape menu either.*end spoilers*Overall 5/10Between the bugs, the general ease of the game to beat it in <1 hour of time, and the lack of engaging story, I rate this extremely low, even with an indie curve. Some may not share my sympathies, but this could of been polished a lot more to make it far better than it ended up being.. I managed to get this for a bargain price of One Dollar through Indie Game Stand, it was a pre-release purchase and I was so looking forward to this being released on Steam. That day finally arrived, and I played the game for less than ten minutes and had to give up. I am gutted. The controls just.. DON'T WORK. I walked through various objects and walls. The speech text that comes up on screen as characters talk is so annoying. I'll say it again - I'm gutted. What I thought was a bargain turned out to be a waste of a dollar unfortunately. This game still feels like it's in Alpha. I hope that the many issues with this game get fixed as I think the story idea behind it is really promising, but until it's fixed - avoid.. Ku:SOTM is a point and click action and puzzle game in which you control Ku, a 12 year old troublesome boy who is sent on a quest to retrieve a ring of power to keep your village sustained with energy. Filled with puzzles, combat and set in a unique world it's surely a winning recipe, right?When you first emerge from the tunnels you are greeted with a colourful, friendly village full of interactive characters (make sure you speak to them all and you will be rewarded with an achievement). Speaking to them provides you with information about the main protagonist Ku who is an unruly youth constantly getting himself into trouble. Your first mission is to head out to find the leader of the village. Once you speak with him about the ring that went missing, he explains that it is the main energy source for the village and without it they are doomed. That is where your quest begins, you are ordered to head into the wilderness and hunt down a replacement ring from the North.As you travel through the lands you are pitted against a variety of enemies and puzzles that block your path. You must hack and slash your way through your foes and chain together combos in order to do more damage and finish them off quicker.The combat system actually turned out to be a lot of fun as it involved quickly stunning enemies, getting as many hits in as possible and then diving back out before you get hit. This can lead to some very tense albeit short battles that involve you having to be brave and tactical. The Combat Arena takes the combat to the next level pitting you against constant hordes of enemies to win score based on the number of enemies you defeat and rounds you clear. There are 4 levels to be played within the Combat Arena, each of which gets progressively more difficult. There is a leaderboard function on the game also, for you to compare your standing in the world however it was not working at the time of writing.As I mentioned the game does not revolve entirely around the combat, there are in fact puzzles to solve in order to progress through the game. Although incredibly simple to solve they do offer a well needed variety to the game. They usually involved dragging an item with your mouse, or hitting certain posts to open a door, nothing too challenging but fun all the same. The whole game is controlled by only the mouse which in fairness was all the game needed. You left click to move and attack, right click to roll\/dodge and hit the middle button to fire your stun laser. Unfortunately the controls do feel clunky at times, especially when you are in the middle of combat and you really need to react quickly!Musically the game felt very vacant and desolate. The music that was playing in the background was generally quiet and didn't really create much of an atmosphere. A large portion of the time I found myself concentrating more on the sounds of my own footsteps than the music itself. The only real exception to this is when you are in the village and you stand near someone playing an instrument. Artistically is where the game really shows it's true potential. The artwork in this game is brilliant with some very interesting character designs, however the graphics really don't do them justice. Its a shame really as the game shows some true artistic potential which really hasn't been utilised. Overall I think the game had a lot of potential but unfortunately it wasn't able to capitalise on it's strengths. The price at time of writing is \u00a33.99 on Steam which isn't too steep but it could do with being longer. Taking only around 2 hours complete you barely feel as though the game has begun when the end credits begin to roll.5\/10 - Fun to play while it lasted but could do with polishing.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZnDTsapgfYMy video impressions of the game.Ku has an attractive graphic style. It features isometric action adventuring, comparable to Bastion in it's concept. Though the game shows a lot of promise and potential, it's hindered by a pile of bugs, and a general sense of unpolishness.In the video I posted, I talk about the game's mechanics, it's aesthetics, as well as some of the bugs and inconsistencies.. I wanted to like this game. I really did. Sadly I can not recommend this to anyone. The art work is nice .... but the blur as you move made me want to get sick. Horrid fighting mechanics paired with the annoying sounds and almost non existint storyline made me get buyers remorse within 5 mins. Just watch a youtube vid of the game and push down a mouse button and hold for an hour....It's Exactly as if you were playing. "It's a trap!" save your money. your welcome.. It only takes me about 5 minutes before I know if I like a game, this game took me 30 seconds or less.. A pathetic hidden object game.. Graphical style and quality are very good. sadly can't say much more as the control system is horrid. 360 game pad sometimes works sometimes doesn't. Though not a \u00a330 AAA title i still expect games to atleast be polished enough to work as advertised. Sorry can't reccomend at the moment. save your money until it's either patched and fixed or buy a different title.
Ku: Shroud Of The Morrigan Download For Pc [portable Edition]
Updated: Mar 13, 2020